Topic: Helping_others_help_themselves_and_others

http://web.archive.org/web/202407121533 … 8185#p8185

From the above link.

Personal note also: You have stated that you do not need gweled, so I do not understand why you are investing that much time into those tests you are doing here and repeat also partwise clear wrong conclusions instead of either solving the issues with a straight line or keep it that way as you have not that much interest. Investing time into something you are not really interested into sounds like strange for me as this also keeps me here busy while I have the impression doing something for the trashcan. So please either doing this for a straight result or stop at this point.

I was just trying to help the main Hyperbola developers, as even though I may not need a program I may still think it is nice, and wish to help the Hyperbola community/anyone_who_wishes_to_use_that_program.

Not needing something does not mean having no interest.

And even if I at least did not hate any program, but at least thought a program was/is nice but not needed by me, maybe someone else could find it helpful.

I was trying the best I could to try and help the Hyperbola community.

Though I was doing poorly/unskilled_work at helping, my interest was not in just getting a program to work (though that was the goal/straight result) my main interest was reducing, not increasing, the workload/keeping_anyone_busy of anyone.

https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id … l_contract

Partly shows

Please just don't demand something without giving also something back: This is the basic we are working on as Hyperbola is and will be always a community-oriented project.

I like Hyperbola so I was trying to "give something nice" in the way of testing or fixing. Even though now I see no fix was needed.

https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id … rktogether
Partly shows

And here is the momentum of “externalized responsibility”: We are most time to much focused on ourselves. We differ too much within such sets of “roles”: User, developer, maintainer, administrator and many more. Anyone else should solve the current issue, while I wait as I have done enough with reporting.

So I did not try to wait.

But is it really that enough and leaving others perhaps even with insufficient information?

That is why I was trying to test more. But I should have found a better/right way of testing. To get sufficient information/"a_straight_result".

In the end we wait while done the issue. Sometimes we even not think of reporting any issue and support projects, we even do not think to offer time for testing or support the people giving their time financial.

So next time I should try find a better way to use time for testing. As I could try to test things, but should test in a proper way.

Developers and maintainers get exhausted over time, sometimes even frustrated as they do not get helping hands when people await even more.

Though I likely should get myself to be "helping skilled hands/better at testing" before trying to help out with testing.

http://web.archive.org/web/202407121533 … 8185#p8185

Partly shows

And from my point of view you are also not helping any user with those tests as those are not done with a concrete point to finish. You repeat more than once the wrong conclusions.

Sorry about not doing testing well/the_way_it_should_be_done/like_a_normal_or_non_root_user.

It is now clear:
- configuration and way to manage services is for the moment not ideal
- services running or not running is up to your local configuration
- the concluded segmentation fault is based on the not ideal way of management for services at the moment

Anyone can see the archived link to better see the mistakes I made.

Or also my helping out in the forum may have not been done as well as it should have been.

As I also did not do well in trying to answer old unanswered topics.

As maybe on Hyperbola's website users should post another topic if the first one was not answered or solved in a fast manner by community-members.

I understand your approach, but those threads were never answered or solved from community-members. And therefore it is better to give those topics another tryut for a newly created thread in time.

https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id … rktogether
Also shows in part

So what is the solution?

In fact Hyperbola does not even want to enforce anything from anyone. It is just the common point we want to question and for sure change on behalf of using and attending at this project: We want to shake up people a bit that free, libre software and projects can only kept active when more people get also active themself. It does not matter on which way for the start and point being of now.

I think at least free, libre software and projects can do better with more people trying to help.

So I was trying to get started in some ways I thought I could do well in helping.

There is enough to do: Documentation, testing, management of infrastructure, evaluation of services, further approval of more minimalistic approaches, development, license approvals and many more possible areas where people could engage in.

Maybe I can find some better way to help libre software than what I was doing.

Hyperbola is not asking or / and demanding from its users to be also developers and maintainers at the same time. But if there are issues to be reported, it is not much asked for to work together on exactly those issues. So instead of just reporting them and afterwards await something from an individual or group in the role of “maintainers” we ask to stand up for being also a possible maintainer and researcher. To test and approve as this is all part of our one special interest named technical emancipation.

I thought I saw a problem in a package.
It turned out to likely be my configuration, not the package.
Thank you for the help, throgh, and anyone else who helps with libre software/hardware.

So as “user” keep in mind that you can also be maintainer and developer at the same time. Please let us work together under the philosophy of Hyperbola, which finally includes do it yourself. You miss a package? Build it and share your insights. You found an issue? Share your insights and support people supporting you more. You have interests to help? Raise a hand and get in touch. But do not await only others to help you without giving something. Not only report and await afterwards movement. That is not the mood and interest of Hyperbola as project, as said: We want to break up with the named problems of “user as common role”. All of the named points “users” await are not self-evident and in fact hard work the smaller a project is. Asking for support, for donations and time helping others is a generic point free, libre projects did and need to do also today as it is their most important point: Giving “users” a point back, but also “users” should slip out of the generic role seemingly pre-defined. It is not, it should not as everyone can be user, developer and maintainer.

So I can learn a little, or a lot I hope, to later better help anyone by "do it yourself" on my own computer till I get more skill to help in other things better.


Re: Helping_others_help_themselves_and_others

Please stop opening new threads to conclude a discussion or underline again another point. You have opened now a point and enforced an answer. You can't help with testing or finding issues when you do not stop false testing itself:  Using root-privileges is done when needed for services as said but not for applications or games. Some games even warn about doing such. I repeat again: The root-user is another user and all configuration is done under that user in this case. Thinking that something is also working for the own local user-profile does not work. I have explained and concluded that exactly for this.

I think we should restart a bit. smile I think it is needed to redefine some understanding again:

Helping with testing
Really, I appreciate your approach. But the point is: What kind of testing? Let's start with "Possible segmentation fault in gweled?". This is what you see as user correct. Speaking as developer: I see first the wording "segmentation fault" and react surely with high demand on that because that is desastrous. The further debate and talk showed me something different: Complexity and issues with the sound. You have repeated to test with the root-account while you got the feedback not doing that first.

Working together
When you read through the forums you can see that my personal approach changed over the time, because many people were here and ignored goog meant tipps and more. Instead draw their conclusion. So my fault is surely that I close threads because it is from my point of view no longer possible to help when a thread reached a point where I have the impression that my tipps are ignored.

I will now open another thread where we two can solve your audio-issues. You need a helping hand, that I have seen for sure. But please: Let's do this together as the word concluded. I had the impression in the other thread that you have first solved that but after your next posting with tests again this ended in a chaos for me. So let's restart a thread with focus on the audio-problem, Other_Cody. But not with taking snapshots from the internet archive you have done. It would even more help when you get in touch via mail for example in that case. This is quite more helpful then.

So here it goes further: https://forums.hyperbola.info/viewtopic … 8190#p8190

And one last point: The quoted wiki-article refers to the momentum that people help people when they see others need help. Yes, that's absolutely working but only if people do that. As you see the most time me answering here, makes me also the person helping in that direct relation. Demanding from me energy and also time doing this, especially when this gets more complex and complicated. The more other people also jump in and help, the lesser energy and time I need to give, the better the understanding can be also in the end. But leaving this only on some minor selected shoulders like it is in our times with many other topics: Climate-protection, information and research, argumentation for democratic values and more ... does not work out and exhaust the people. So the reasoning to close a thread is a point that this current approach is not working and before I ignore questions for help I better restart a topic / thread or give the person the signal that I have no further information at the moment and there is need for own agitation. Helping yourself, so you can help others goes in multiple directions, Other_Cody. Same as better leaving old threads, even when marked unread, as they are and when there is your personal interest to answer: You can surely open another thread based on the one before with more information you have found out. The mentioned wiki-article only works when more people attend and react. Not only just two of us in that moment. smile Also please use the tipps given, not stay on your doing being not working for sure, Other_Cody. This is otherwise not working as said.

I understand that you thought to find a problem in a package, but it got a bit more. Again: Let's solve the issue being there and also help you bringing tests on another level. Helping you so you can help for sure as for now this is not turning out that good working.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!