Re: v0.4 installation

sagaracharya wrote:

Found a workaround for KeePassXC db,
1. Download KeePassXC AppImage.
2. Execute it, go to Database -> Database Security -> Encryption Settings -> Change to KDBX 3.1.

Now, can open it with keepassx.

My laptop trackpad doesn't work on v0.4. Mouse works. It works correctly on triskel bootable usb. What should I check for in dmesg?

Did you check bug of the century above?! What's the issue there?

As I am transfering my files from my trisquel install to hyperbola, I got stuck while transporting keepassxc database to keepasx.
Even when I changed to KDBX 3.1, opening to keepassx resulted an error Unsuported Database.

What worked for me was exporting to cvs. Then temporary delete setiings (keep backup) of keepassxc in my trisquel install. Finally I opened keepassxc again, imported cvs, in the import window, selected 3.1 and save the database.

Meybe it will help somebody in the future.

let them build as many prisons as they want.
Even if the siege is closing in around us.
Our mind is like a wanderer, and will always be free.