Please report this upstream when there are problems with nano or support within solving those by researching this problem with comparisons where the exact version provided is showing a different behavior. We cannot and will not do anything about generic reports. Also it is not our essential task to provide here full-time support as Hyperbola is based on working together on solving the issues. So the will is surely there when we can solve this, but for doing so we need to compare and resolve comparisons. The alternative would be that someone needs to recreate the whole environment and for this you would also need to provide all your settings then. You can do this for sure in a newly created thread and then working out the possible problem: Perhaps the translations are not present? Or not used at a given runtime-event? Not found? Not provided? Several possible issues causing this effect, but the cause needs to be found therefore. Also: Perhaps the chosen font being not complete compatible with the given syntax? Please remember also: We are not using gettext but gettext-tiny. So when the current syntax of the translation-files is not safe to recreate this nano is currently only oriented on gettext on that matter. A possible report upstream would be then a problem with gettext-tiny for nano. But not for Hyperbola to solve this. Having a possible fix would be to replace the named letter with a working alternative, so we can patch and use it with gettext-tiny. As said: This would be a newly created thread. Thank you!
Thread closed!
Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!
Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!