Topic: My .bash_aliases file :3
Do whatever you want with this <3
#I originally made these aliases for Debian and/or Devuan GNU+Linux,
#but since I've switched to Hyperbola I have decided to modify them.
#You may want to use them if you are new to Hyperbola and/or
#Pacman-based distros. With the exception of Alpine, all the UNIX-like
#systems I have used prior to Hyperbola GNU+Linux were based on Debian,
#but I am quickly learning the hyper way. Do take what I say about
#pacman with a grain of salt, though. You may want to read pacman's
#info/man pages as pacman has some interesting functionality which is
#not documented here.
#WAIVER: To make this file as libre as possible, any restrictive powers
#assigned to me over it are relinquished, to the fullest extent allowed,
#under CC0 ( + Miloslav Číž's
alias su="su --login"
#This command lets me log into the root account. Login variable allows
#root's .bashrc file to be read; I have modified root's .bashrc file so
#that it redirects to my user's alias file (this one), therefore the
#--login variable allows me to run the aliases from this file as root.
#The --preserve-environment variable can achieve the same effect
#without meddling with root's .bashrc file, but I do not recommend it
#as it has caused me negative side-effects when it comes to bash
alias sudo="doas"
#From the period where I was trying to transition from sudo to doas.
alias S="doas"
#The S is for sudo, referencing the alias above. Note: When two
#1-letter aliases use the same letter, the authoritarian commands such
#as doas use uppercase aliases, while less menacing commands are in
#lowercase. This allows me to create more 1-letter aliases.
alias d="doas"
alias sh="pacman -Sii"
#This alias was originally for "apt show" (the "sh" is for "show").
#This command has been converted to a pacman alternative which serves
#the same purpose (showing information about a package). This alias
#overrides the "sh" command, therefore it might cause some code to
alias s="pacman -Ss"
#The "s" is for "apt search", also converted to a similar pacman
#alias b="doas pacman build-dep"
#Unlike the previous package manager commands, I haven't properly
#converted this command to Hyperbola, therefore it has been disabled
#with a hashtag.
alias u="doas pacman -Syy"
#For "doas apt update". The double "y" is optional, therefore you
#could use "doas pacman -Sy" instead, but the double "y" guarantees
#that pacman will try to fetch a more up-to-date package index even if
#it believes that the current index in your system is already
alias i="doas pacman -S"
#For "doas apt install". Can also be used to reinstall packages.
alias a="doas pacman -Qdt"
#For doas apt autoremove. Unlike in Debian, this will not
#automatically delete orphan packages, just list them. I have found no
#pacman equivalent that automatically removes orphans.
alias U="doas pacman -Su"
#For "doas apt upgrade". This will try to upgrade your system's
#packages based on the package index stored on your system, therefore
#you MUST run the lowercase "u" alias beforehand. This is to comply
#with my tradition of running "sudo apt update" and "sudo apt upgrade"
#separately. You may change this alias to "doas pacman -Syyu"; then you
#will no longer have to use the lowercase "u" alias because pacman will
#automatically fetch a new package index before upgrading your
#alias g="doas pacman-get source"
#For doas apt-get source. Non-functional alias.
alias p="doas pacman -Rsn"
#For doas apt purge. Uninstalls packages and removes configuration
#files. Unlike Debian, this will destroy any orphan dependencies, so
#there is no need to run an "apt autoremove" command
alias r="doas pacman -S"
#For "doas apt reinstall". This alias is redundant as pacman uses the
#same command for installing as for reinstalling (see "i" alias).
alias R="doas pacman -Rs"
#For doas apt remove. Same as the "p" alias, but configuration files
#are preserved.
alias V="doas vim"
#For editing configuration files in Vim
alias v="vim"
#For editing non-root files in Vim
alias Z="doas zile"
#For editing configuration files in Zile
alias z="zile"
#alias python="python3"
#Useless alias, made when I was trying to build Libreboot roms in
#Debian and/or a Debian-based distro (Libreboot documentation demands
#that the "python" command redirect to python3). On Hyperbola, you do
#not need this alias as the "python" command will open up python3 by
#default. If you are using Debian, be aware that there are packages
#which redirect python to python3 for you, so you may not need
#to make any dumb python aliases like I tried to do here. UPDATE: I
#have realized the error of my ways and I apologize for calling you
#useless and dumb, alias.