Topic: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

Hello to all out there and the community,

you want to look on how Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre 0.4 is looking with Lumina?
Heckyel was busy creating a VNC-instance for testing. So a big THANK YOU for that. You can look into just using the browser:

URL: https://vnc1.3122.ga/vnc.html
Password: my-pw-user-0-uMo9Foo7koh

Happy testing for the interested people!

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

hey it works, a bit slow but its just very great for a demo. might want to put it on front homepage.
oh yes if using iceweasel-uxp needs to disable noscript extension temporarily.


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

Thanks for the proposal.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

throgh wrote:

Thanks for the proposal.

Nothing against Lumina Desktop, its the only one that is any good in my opinion, but there is one issue I think that will make it hard for new users to adopt...

That wallpaper might not be to everyone's standards...

These are good examples of some wallpaper that is decent.


That wallpaper above however...   It makes me think of well...

lxqt, only  its more ugly, although, at least its only the wallpaper that is ugly...

As opposed to the DE itself and how it is designed in totality, like KDE, GNOME3 or as g4jc said once, "everything that is wrong with the world"


Though Those two are hardly the only crappy DEs, anything based on Gnome3, is MATE, LXDE, XFCE4, LXQT, Budgie, Elementary, etc other than Lumina is designed without any real idea of how irritating the dependencies they add actually are, among other unknown issues...

Long story short though on this long winded rant,

Please fix the default wallpaper, please!


Lumina should look more like this:


HyperbolaBSD: The Future of Secure Libre Lightweight Operating Systems!


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

Where do you see the problem? We always give the default settings: Lumina is small and not using much memory when running, we have both groups "lumina-core" and "lumina-extra" to install separated modules and everyone is able to change that. Only because it is looking different somewhere else (don't know where this screenshot is coming from), does not mean our Lumina here can not look the same. But here comes the point: That depends on all people here.

Why not making a thread on how to modify the defaults and propose changes for the community? smile A default is used as the package-creators intended it to look alike. We don't want to make the same decisions as other systems or distributions. Basic package, some themes for sure, some very nice looking also. But the rest is upon the user. When something is not functional, please give us a sign so we solve it together. But it is not our responsibility to give every package a "branding". That would be unfair towards the user change it the way intended and learning how to make that. And when we add bunch of wallpapers it won't make a difference, furthermore we add packages without any more value or logic, just some graphics. With every new package going in that special direction it is like a part of domino stone falling down: Wallpaper, Icon-sets and -themes. And then we have also clear up the licensing for all. A user doing that for the desktop-background is untouched from all of that. But for example we have our rulesets regarding freedom and clear licenses. Including icons of unfree applications makes for sure extra-work at all (Steam, Spotify and more). We would have to remove all of that and use too much time we are not having as small team for this task. Therefore this answer!

And like the window-managers Lumina as complete environment can be completely modified. So? Feel invited. Heckyel provided a pure demonstration how all of that is looking after the installation. Go on and check it for options. It is your system awaiting and therefore your freedom of choice, included with your responsibility. It is for sure nice to make wishes, but there are causilities behind and we want clear reasonable standards and pure packages being ready to be modifed in their defaults. If you think Lumina is not fitting your needs? Okay. We have others. smile If you want to modify it? Please welcome and leave your configuration so others can review and build on top of.
This is free software and free culture!

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

i think anyone who decided to go with hyperbola are probably tech savy user that fine with these old fashioned environment or they generaly are capable of rice and pretty up their desktop themselves).

hyperbola main selling point (freedom, simplicity, phylosophy, etc) woulndt never be interest for general desktop user anyway.

in sum:

hyperbola did not give user features (cool gui, modern convinience, all automation, etc)

but hyperbola give user power (simplicity, configurability, community support, etc)


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

dikasp2 wrote:

i think anyone who decided to go with hyperbola are probably tech savy user that fine with these old fashioned environment or they generaly are capable of rice and pretty up their desktop themselves).

hyperbola main selling point (freedom, simplicity, phylosophy, etc) woulndt never be interest for general desktop user anyway.

in sum:

hyperbola did not give user features (cool gui, modern convinience, all automation, etc)

but hyperbola give user power (simplicity, configurability, community support, etc)

Underlining that. smile
Thanks as with "much power there comes much responsibility" (sorry, a so good comic-quote to add) but also flexibility. And you can have a nice looking, clean interface. There are so many clean, little but powerful tools that you can build your own workflow and features. Hyperbola is not about convinience at all. But cool themes? Possible with sharing to the community. We won't ever go between that, but we have to follow what the defaults are. Others modify their packages until being not recognizable any longer. When you do that, you could even fork that at a point. The users have the power to decide and to emancipate. They will ever have it here.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!

8 (edited by dikasp2 2022-03-19 03:48:25)

Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

without disregard to master @zapper, im not agaisnt idea of making convinience desktop, actually im embrace it, you can found many of my shiny post in general > desktop forum section smile

i just think hyperbola is not designed that way,  maybe like manjaro catering user friendlyness task in place of archlinux.

neverteless i think my previous slogan can be our next jargon, and because im bored today, here i made some free propaganda tongue


and one special poster for master throgh, thanks for helping me alot since beginning of hyperbola.


fell free to ask me for some design for hyperbola, i gladly make if im bored and had free time big_smile

oh and here some wallpaper i made for hyperbola long time ago


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

dikasp2 wrote:

without disregard to master @zapper, im not agaisnt idea of making convinience desktop, actually im embrace it, you can found many of my shiny post in general > desktop forum section smile

i just think hyperbola is not designed that way,  maybe like manjaro catering user friendlyness task in place of archlinux.

neverteless i think my previous slogan can be our next jargon, and because im bored today, here i made some free propaganda tongue


and one special poster for master throgh, thanks for helping me alot since beginning of hyperbola.


fell free to ask me for some design for hyperbola, i gladly make if im bored and had free time big_smile

oh and here some wallpaper i made for hyperbola long time ago

Lol, nice teasing response, I guess I did deserve some of that,

that being said,  there is one other reason, some people's eyes might hurt looking at the standard wallpaper...

------------------------->     Not just me


HyperbolaBSD: The Future of Secure Libre Lightweight Operating Systems!


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

Oh there will be something coming. Not as package but as work from the community as I see it here. Taking and forming together? For sure. All invited to do that. The forum is so full with interesting to read and share. Sharing is caring and thanks for all that. smile

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

throgh wrote:

Oh there will be something coming. Not as package but as work from the community as I see it here. Taking and forming together? For sure. All invited to do that. The forum is so full with interesting to read and share. Sharing is caring and thanks for all that. smile

I really hope you guys add more than just that weird default wallpaper to the installation at some point.

Aka, please add more wallpapers like the ones I showed you if possible to the default Lumina Desktop as choices, or at least have a link to them.


If not, meh... no worries. smile

HyperbolaBSD: The Future of Secure Libre Lightweight Operating Systems!


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

maybe a separate package maintained by someone willing would best choice like:

   this package add extra hyperbola wallpaper
   this package apply cool desktop configuration
   this package setup complete zapper lumina desktop environment

so both dev and user should be happy i guess.


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

Perhaps another proposal: Doing that here in the forums and create an own thread about that, so the community is in charge for that and can share tips and tricks. Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre is so colourful, we can build uncountable variations on top of that. smile Doing that together instead some packages and people learn: They are in charge! big_smile

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!

14 (edited by zapper 2022-03-26 21:32:16)

Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Announcement of public VNC-instance

throgh wrote:

Perhaps another proposal: Doing that here in the forums and create an own thread about that, so the community is in charge for that and can share tips and tricks. Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre is so colourful, we can build uncountable variations on top of that. smile Doing that together instead some packages and people learn: They are in charge! big_smile

My point btw about this, was that the lumina desktop default wallpaper hurt my eyes.  It might do the same to others... wink

I am not saying the core team has to do much at all, matter of fact, I really don't know whatsoever, whether the task is very easy, or medium or w/e...

I hope someone with sanity will make a package to change the default wallpaper by default to something less painful.

Although, feh is a good way to do this, so I might as well add this code for anyone to use, not sure how it will work in the upcoming HyperbolaBSD or what changes will be needed to be made to make it work though... wink

Anyways here it is:

https://upload.disroot.org/r/jGkhgopA#1 … 1N8eHIPPM=

The ones called NewX and NewX2 are wallpaper changers. smile

Whatever is in the folder that you have made called ~/Wallpaper

it will change the wallpaper every hour for the NewX one.

The NewX2, will do it only once once activated.  Think about it this way, if you use a window manager that has an option to autostart scripts, this very exceedingly useful.

One disables touchpad, this one is pretty darn explanatory. smile for ibm thinkpad computers, from ivy bridge and sandy bridge that have touchpads and trackpoint, this is useful.  This might not be something you should use for non ibm thinkpads, even lenovo ones... but darned near especially other types, you are free to experiment, but please don't blame me if it causes massive issues, that result in you needing to reinstall, or something worse...

Have a backup installation ready if you intend to be foolhearty... wink

Side note, please don't...

and my last script, is not so easy to use:

doas /usr/sbin/s2ram && slock

This one requires a specific setup in doas like this:

type doas nano /etc/doas.conf

Make it look like the below:
## doas configuration file.
## See the doas man page for the details on how to write a configuration file.

## Allow members of group wheel to execute any command
permit :wheel

## Allow tedu to run procmap as root without a password

permit nopass localuser as root cmd /usr/sbin/s2ram

Btw, you don't have to do this:

permit nopass localuser as wheel cmd /sbin/reboot
permit nopass localuser as root cmd /sbin/poweroff

with the # or without... I just put it there for those who want to be able to poweroff without  irritation in JWM or other window managers without any clear way on how to do so.

Btw, last important thing:

You need to do one more thing:

chmod +x yourdirectoryandscript

Then set them up to trigger however you wish.

That is all...

https://upload.disroot.org/r/jGkhgopA#1 … 1N8eHIPPM=

I put two links just in case people don't want to scroll back and forth...


Btw, if you think this is off topic at all, semi...

let me know if you would like me to do a smaller post.

Peace for now though!

HyperbolaBSD: The Future of Secure Libre Lightweight Operating Systems!