1 (edited by hd_scania 2018-01-09 01:37:55)

Topic: [SOLVED] Pacnew warnings

warning: /etc/shells installed as /etc/shells.pacnew
warning: /etc/fstab installed as /etc/fstab.pacnew
warning: /etc/passwd installed as /etc/passwd.pacnew
warning: /etc/hosts installed as /etc/hosts.pacnew
warning: /etc/gshadow installed as /etc/gshadow.pacnew
warning: /etc/resolv.conf installed as /etc/resolv.conf.pacnew
warning: /etc/shadow installed as /etc/shadow.pacnew
warning: /etc/group installed as /etc/group.pacnew
warning: /etc/profile installed as /etc/profile.pacnew

I am now downgrading to Hyperbola instead of Parabola, but during this downgrade ther are pacnew files looked annoying, however should I anyway back to the old files?

== Solved ==
Best Answer


Re: [SOLVED] Pacnew warnings

hd_scania wrote:
warning: /etc/shells installed as /etc/shells.pacnew
warning: /etc/fstab installed as /etc/fstab.pacnew
warning: /etc/passwd installed as /etc/passwd.pacnew
warning: /etc/hosts installed as /etc/hosts.pacnew
warning: /etc/gshadow installed as /etc/gshadow.pacnew
warning: /etc/resolv.conf installed as /etc/resolv.conf.pacnew
warning: /etc/shadow installed as /etc/shadow.pacnew
warning: /etc/group installed as /etc/group.pacnew
warning: /etc/profile installed as /etc/profile.pacnew

I am now downgrading to Hyperbola instead of Parabola, but during this downgrade ther are pacnew files looked annoying, however should I anyway back to the old files?

I suggest you check all pacnew files generated by pacman with pacdiff (included in pacman) that is an useful tool to compare files between your current and pacnew ones.


Re: [SOLVED] Pacnew warnings

Most of my pacnew files are empty and they have been led to my failure to normally use the system, so I have removed the pacnew files affected.

Emulatorman wrote:
hd_scania wrote:
warning: /etc/shells installed as /etc/shells.pacnew
warning: /etc/fstab installed as /etc/fstab.pacnew
warning: /etc/passwd installed as /etc/passwd.pacnew
warning: /etc/hosts installed as /etc/hosts.pacnew
warning: /etc/gshadow installed as /etc/gshadow.pacnew
warning: /etc/resolv.conf installed as /etc/resolv.conf.pacnew
warning: /etc/shadow installed as /etc/shadow.pacnew
warning: /etc/group installed as /etc/group.pacnew
warning: /etc/profile installed as /etc/profile.pacnew

I am now downgrading to Hyperbola instead of Parabola, but during this downgrade ther are pacnew files looked annoying, however should I anyway back to the old files?

I suggest you check all pacnew files generated by pacman with pacdiff (included in pacman) that is an useful tool to compare files between your current and pacnew ones.


Re: [SOLVED] Pacnew warnings

The another new issue is, the lists of keys are almost nothing after this downgrade, and any possible ways to fix are failed, like keyrings reinstallaion, keys re-signing, disabling keys signing. sad


Re: [SOLVED] Pacnew warnings

hd_scania wrote:

The another new issue is, the lists of keys are almost nothing after this downgrade, and any possible ways to fix are failed, like keyrings reinstallaion, keys re-signing, disabling keys signing. sad

Since Hyperbola is not a Parabola-based distro, some incompatibility could be generated if you come from Parabola since our distro is based on Arch snapshots and Debian development.

Anyway, if you come from Parabola, did you remove parabola-keyring? Try do it, then remove gnupg folder and upgrade arch-keyring and hyperbola-keyring:

# rm -rv /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
# pacman-key --populate arch
# pacman-key --populate hyperbola
# pacman-key --refresh-keys


Re: [SOLVED] Pacnew warnings

Thanks and my keyrings issue is over, the next also the final one is kernel panic, removing mkinitcpio package dsnt fix this where mkinitcpio is dependent on systemd, from my GRUB for any other systems these GRUB are prevented against generating initramfs for Hyperbola, and this becomes recursive with my Hyperbola kernel panic. sad


Re: [SOLVED] Pacnew warnings

hd_scania wrote:

Thanks and my keyrings issue is over, the next also the final one is kernel panic, removing mkinitcpio package dsnt fix this where mkinitcpio is dependent on systemd, from my GRUB for any other systems these GRUB are prevented against generating initramfs for Hyperbola, and this becomes recursive with my Hyperbola kernel panic. sad

It sounds strange, since our mkinitcpio was adapted for eudev, try run it:

# pacman -Syyuu base

Anyway, i suggest you read our migration article from systemd to OpenRC for further details.


Re: [SOLVED] Pacnew warnings

By reinstalling the base packages I am now backed to my desktops and thanks. cool

Emulatorman wrote:
# pacman -Syyuu base openrc polkit