Topic: Your Input Needed: Cleaning-up [community] repo
In order to remove vulnerable and unneeded baggage carried over from our original Arch Snapshot, we are deleting all unused packages.
We would like to know which [community] packages that community members would like to keep.
Packages which are still used will continue to be maintained and may be upgraded or assigned maintainers as needed.
Note: New packages will be considered for inclusion in Milky Way v0.5, but not the Milky Way v0.4 release due to our primary goal of stabilizing all current repositories and the core system.
Users who wish to contribute new [community] packages should share their PKGBUILD by hosting them on their own git instance (LibreGit, NotABug, Pagure, etc.) to share with other members.
Unused packages will be added to our roadmap to be removed.
Complete List of [community] packages: … ast_update
Please let us know the ones you wish to keep by posting here!
Thank you.