Topic: A service dedicated to the Thinkpad X200
As everyone already knows, some computers are notoriously important to the Free Software nebula. Thinkpads X200 are definitely among them.
Some time after the deprecation of /etc/local.d/, on the advice of Emulatorman, I wrote a very basic service just to make the distinctive whining noise of these machines disappear. Then I gradually added other features of interest to me, such as switching off all radio devices whenever I close the lid or shutdown the computer. The reason for doing this is easy to understand: for instance, suppose you close the lid just before leaving your flat on your way to the airport. Do you want to broadcast items of information from your computer the moment you open the lid in the aiport terminal?
And just a moment ago, I added another feature to this service, namely the ability to backup essential files or directories to the encrypted disk that I have inside my dock. Of course, the backup process must be triggered on certain conditions only: 1. The option must be enabled in the conf.d file 2. The disk must be mounted 3. An (empty) 'dobackup' file must be present in the backup directory. Then, once these conditions are met, the backup process is triggered whenever the service is stopped. It additionally generates a list of installed packages in case my disk should die and I should reinstall everything.
After this general presentation, I come to the subject at hand. Following this idea, wouldn't it be nice to have such a service dedicated to the X200 in Hyperbola? If so, this service should be easy to configure, it should do simple things, but do them well, leaving refined or complex tasks to other speficifc and more elaborate softwares.
Here is what I did for my own use:
It is very far from being a starting point—on the contrary, it could be worth writing something afresh—but at least it gives the idea.