If I may, my $0.02 CAD is as follows:
I have spent aproximately the past two weeks or so trying out various window managers. I think I will be using Calm for the foreseeable future. I like the minimal dependencies, and simple configuration file. Having great trouble designing a Fluxbox theme I really like has probably aided me in this window manager conversion.
I have what I believe is an interesting solution to setting a random root window colour. The shell script I use is a little more verbose than the following, but is essentially as follows:
colour=$(tr -dc 'a-f0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c 6
xsetroot -solid "#${colour}"
I like to bind the Alt key for changing root window colours, so my keybinding for the above looks somthing like the following:
bind-key M-backslash "/usr/local/bin/rwc"