1 (edited by sagaracharya 2021-06-29 16:18:17)

Topic: [external_community] more v0.4 packages

I maintain some package PKGBUILDs at the following link,


All comply with hyperbola OS standards. Contributions are welcome. Best way to use above repo is to go to the directory of the package you want.

pacman -U foobar.tar.lz

ftp repo coming soon through which hopefully, you'd be able to access everything with pacman.


Re: [external_community] more v0.4 packages

There's good news folks, I have successfully compiled FPGA toolchain on the notabug link above and tried compiling example.v without faulty comment 1st line shown at https://notabug.org/sagaracharya/swarajya

Now you can work on FPGA with yosys, nextpnr and icestorm on Hyperbola v0.4! smile


Re: [external_community] more v0.4 packages

I have added some more packages of

I have disabled their checks since those dependencies aren't made. python-pytest is big work.

I'm packaging

Is hyperbola still following bullseye versions strictly for all packages? I'm confused on choosing v1.1 or v1.0.2.

I might've seen a few different versions for other packages.


Re: [external_community] more v0.4 packages

sagaracharya wrote:

I have added some more packages of

I have disabled their checks since those dependencies aren't made. python-pytest is big work.

I'm packaging

Is hyperbola still following bullseye versions strictly for all packages? I'm confused on choosing v1.1 or v1.0.2.

I might've seen a few different versions for other packages.

You can check with Emulatorman I think? Or someone else, but I believe last I checked its supposed to be from Bullseye. wink

HyperbolaBSD: The Future of Secure Libre Lightweight Operating Systems!


Re: [external_community] more v0.4 packages

Now, all the packages at my repo


comply with libretools. README there has details. I highly recommend that people new to libretools packaging use the script named build.sh . It's a small 3 line script.


Re: [external_community] more v0.4 packages

Just to note that the script build.sh is just using x86_64 as base-architecture, while some of the listed PKGBUILD-scripts also support i686. So I think either you choose just one architecture or recheck the concurrent architecture of the system and have therefore full support for all of Hyperbola's system-base.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!