1 (edited by aloniv 2022-03-30 12:22:38)

Topic: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

I did the following changes I thought others might find useful.

By default, Stack Exchange and similar websites display a cookies pop-up whenever you visit them, To disable the pop-up, in uBlock Origin (available as a PKGBUILD from Hyperbola's website) add these lines to the "My Filters" section of uBlock Origin's dashboard.


The text size is too small for me. Changing this about:config value to 1.3 or 1.4 fixes it for me.


Some Iceape add-ons can be found online on the following website (perhaps they should be added officially to the repos). In particular, the Greasemonkey add-on works great.

I use the Anti-Adblock Killer Greasemonkey script, which enables accessing websites that require JavaScript if you use an ad-blocker by informing the website that you don't have an ad-blocker installed.

I set up the colour and theme in the settings menu to use the dark system theme with colours that fit it.

The only essential add-on which is missing for me in Iceape is a calendar such as Reminderfox or Calendate.


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

Wow, so first things first ... another "THANK YOU". We will look especially into the addons as there are some being possible to be added also into the repositories for further release. Great to have the link for a review. I will look up into a possible packaging for downthemall further for Iceweasel-UXP and Iceape-UXP.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

thx a lot for foxyproxy !


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

I thought anti adblock killer was completely dead...

I checked a bit ago, seems I was right. The continued version, same thing, etc...

Did you perhaps modify it to make it functional again?

That would be very nice to have if so.

HyperbolaBSD: The Future of Secure Libre Lightweight Operating Systems!


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

zapper wrote:

I thought anti adblock killer was completely dead...

I checked a bit ago, seems I was right. The continued version, same thing, etc...

Did you perhaps modify it to make it functional again?

That would be very nice to have if so.

It doesn't appear to still be in active development but it still works on a few websites I use to download files such as mixloads.com.


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

aloniv wrote:

By default, Stack Exchange and similar websites display a cookies pop-up whenever you visit them,

At least one of them can be hidden with CSS:

div.js-consent-banner {display: none !important; }

This is what I use for stackoverflow.

7 (edited by anthk 2022-04-28 13:19:17)

Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

On Iceape, can it be configured with GNUPG support?

Maybe by packaging Enigmail for Iceape we could get a
good browser + mail client combo.

Yes, Claws Mail works, but Iceape it's a good alternative too.


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

Some websites require Cloudfare captchas to work but this can sometimes be overcome by overriding the user agent of the website, e.g. for website.com create in about:config the string


with the following value

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:100.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/100.0

(replace website.com with the website you want.)


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

Another useful Greasemonkey script (that works with Iceape with the Greasemonkey version posted above) is AdsBypasser which bypasses websites such as adf.ly and linkbucks.

10 (edited by aloniv 2024-04-30 12:02:08)

Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

Some websites require JavaScript to display maths equations. The following Greasemonkey user script called "Display LaTeX" converts LaTeX equations to MathML so stackexchange and similar websites can display maths equations without JavaScript. You need to add the domains you wish to run the user script with in the user settings (or add the domains to the source code of the user script). I couldn't find the user script online so I copied the text to dpaste (just save the text as display-latex.user.js and open the file with the browser to install the script)
Here's a stackexchange web page with the script disabled
and here it is when enabled

11 (edited by aloniv 2023-06-02 18:07:18)

Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

Apparently, there is an easy way via Greasemonkey to redirect websites.For example, redirecting twitter.com to nitter.fdn.fr can be achieved as follows:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Twitter to Nitter
// @description Redirects twitter.com to nitter.fdn.fr
// @include     https://twitter.com/*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
var oldurl = document.URL;
var newurl = oldurl.replace('twitter.com','nitter.fdn.fr');
window.location.href = newurl;


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

Is there a script replacing all video thumbnails with mq2.jpg from mqdefault.jpg for any Invidious instance?

13 (edited by aloniv 2023-06-02 18:19:53)

Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

HarvettFox96: What you asked can be achieved - a method to achieve it was posted here:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/627 … -image-url
This script should fulfil your requirements (and is compatible with the Invidious instances used by Privacy Redirect userscript which appears in the next post). You can add more Invidious instances by adding @include lines.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Invidious display alternate image
// @description Redirects Invidious image to alternate
// @include     https://invidious*
// @include     https://yewtu.be*
// @include     https://vid.puffyan.us*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for(var i = 0, l = links.length; i < l; i++) {
var images = links[i];
images.src= images.src.replace('mqdefault.jpg','mq2.jpg');


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

A user script that redirects to privacy services already exists and can be found here (just edit the source and select the preferred redirectors such as invidious and teddit):
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/43635 … redirector

15 (edited by HarvettFox96 2023-06-04 13:18:31)

Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

It finally worked great. Thanks for saving my life away from cringe and clickbait junk. However, there's one minor issue where every livestream video doesn't have a different thumbnail being generated.

16 (edited by aloniv 2023-06-03 03:12:11)

Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

HarvettFox96: I'm glad the script works for you! What's the difference between the image formats (e.g. mq1.jpg, mq2.jpg, mq3.jpg and mqdefault.jpg)? Do they simply indicate different start positions such as first/middle/last frames? I'm guessing for non-live streams the need to switch thumbnails isn't essential.


Re: [Hyperbola 0.4] Iceape-UXP - useful tweaks

Cookies Exterminator also appears to work. Just save the file and then open with the browser to install in Iceape.
https://github.com/JustOff/cookies-exte … 2.9.10.xpi