Topic: how to increase sndio loudness?

i think default sndio is a bit mellow, at max volume 127 it fells like normal volume level in other mixer.
trying mpv 130% overvolume but it distort the audio quality. is there any way to increase sndio volume range nicely ?

thanks in advance.


Re: how to increase sndio loudness?

Have you tried soundbraid?

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!

3 (edited by dikasp2 2022-03-10 14:55:43)

Re: how to increase sndio loudness?

throgh wrote:

Have you tried soundbraid?

yes but it only manages the already sndio volume range.

i mean when i play music in hyperbola it sound less louder than when my past experience with parabola (both played at default available max volume).

its not very critical issue, but i like hearing my dangdut music with a lot more volume tongue

anyway if other of you are dj like me i just discovered these mpv overrides (you might put them in mpv.conf)

volume-max=( value between 100-1000)
# very high gain, distort audio quality

# fair audio gain, keeps audio quality


Re: how to increase sndio loudness?

Well there is none: https://man.openbsd.org/sndiod#v

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!

5 (edited by dikasp2 2022-03-10 14:57:04)

Re: how to increase sndio loudness?

throgh wrote:

Well there is none: https://man.openbsd.org/sndiod#v

its a bit sad, anyway thanks for your time throgh.

maybe better luck when hyperbsd out, i see some bsd folks mention bsd's mixerctl to boost sndio.

https://mailing.openbsd.misc.narkive.co … 6CdMs0dz8G

well until then, its time to buy new amplifier big_smile


Re: how to increase sndio loudness?

dikasp2 wrote:
throgh wrote:

Well there is none: https://man.openbsd.org/sndiod#v

its a bit sad, anyway thanks for your time throgh.

maybe better luck when hyperbsd out, i see some bsd folks mention bsd's mixerctl to boost sndio.

https://mailing.openbsd.misc.narkive.co … 6CdMs0dz8G

well until then, its time to buy new amplifier big_smile

Boost alsa settings with alsamixer first.

7 (edited by aloniv 2022-04-29 15:31:59)

Re: how to increase sndio loudness?

in my .mplayer/config

in my .mpv/config

In audacious:
Output  -> Audio settings -> Sndio Output
Amplify all files: 15 dB

8 (edited by dikasp2 2022-07-07 14:56:25)

Re: how to increase sndio loudness?

thanks master throgh, master anthk and master aloniv, problem solved.
edit alsamixer fix: need to add user to group audio and add alsasound and sndiod service default