Topic: HOWTO: Boot Hyperbola in BIOS (non-EFI) system
My Hyperbola live USB won't boot on my legacy BIOS computer. Refind is an EFI bootloader... I checked refind.conf and it has no entries to enable legacy boot. If we want to continue using refind, I think someone will need to edit the configuration to support legacy BIOS.
Update: Refind is strictly EFI-only, and has a .conf option that only scans for BIOS bootloaders, in other words: GRUB or syslinux.
scanfor hdbios
For now, my workaround is Clonezilla.
Actually partclone is too inflexible, so I used rsync (my settings might need some improvement):
1. Format USB stick as ext3 for file transfer.
2. Use fdisk to format and partition the new computer's /dev/sda and make boot partition active
3. mkswap and swapon on swap partition
4. mkfs.ext3 on /boot and /
5. Source machine to a USB stick [usually the install seems to be less than 6GB]:
$ doas rsync -aAhvPHX --inplace --exclude={"/home/*", "/lost+found","/mnt*/*","/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/media/*"} / /mnt/
6. Destination machine (from any live usb, I used a recent Clonezilla ISO to work around the BIOS boot problem):
$ doas rsync -aAhvPHAXx --inplace /source/ /destination/
This will copy contents of source directory to inside of destination directory.
7. Edit /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg to reflect kernel location, hooks and modules.
8. Run *blkid* to get the new UUIDs to copy. Update /etc/fstab with new UUIDs and /dev/sda labels
9. Making sure contents of /boot are in the boot partition, mount the boot partition and run:
extlinux -i /mnt/boot/syslinux
cp -r /usr/lib/syslinux/bios/* /mnt/boot/syslinux/
10. Install the MBR. Syslinux manual says it isn't needed anymore, but I had to do it as this is the only thing that worked for me. Also, the altmbr.bin did not work for me... Parabola's wiki on syslinux is the best documentation, if you follow a manual install only.
# dd bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc if=/usr/lib/syslinux/bios/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda
11. Delete old users and add new users.
Be very careful to umount everything, taking the USB out without mounting will ruin the filesystem.