1 (edited by jim 2024-05-06 12:33:07)

Topic: How to find out what version of hyperbola-milky-way ?

Hi all . I wanted to clarify how to quickly find out what version of hyperbola-milky-way I have if, for example, I forgot? And where can I see the difference between these releases, which programs were removed and which remained or were changed?
For example screenfetch does not show this information

I also wanted to clarify why there is no direct link => https://repo.hyperbola.info:50000/other … nux-libre/ for downloading the ISO on this page, this link => https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id … edirect=1?


Re: How to find out what version of hyperbola-milky-way ?

It is not possible to find removed programs and packages besides the git-history:


The reasoning for not providing a direct link is seeding the ISO through different sources and therefore getting a bit relief in traffic. Providing only one link from one source is also providing more traffic on this source.

You can see also what is included in every release on our roadmap: https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id … sd_roadmap

Sidenote: Hyperbola is open and transparent in the communication when and where, especially why packages get removed. The advantage is nevertheless when done: It is the decision of the users as the packages stay as long installed as anyone wants. They are just no longer in the repositories. The package-manager is not removing any package without the will of the user, except there is the absolute need out of a replacement.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: How to find out what version of hyperbola-milky-way ?

Hello Throgh.As for the link to the ISO, I don’t really understand about the traffic, do you mean if the link is listed on the wiki where sha512 and sha512.sig will it somehow harm the server?

As for the programs, I understand you, I just wanted to understand how version milky-way-v0.4.3- differs from milky-way-v0.4.4, what programs are missing in the milky-way-v0.4.4 release, I see in the next branch a lot of programs have been deleted.


Re: How to find out what version of hyperbola-milky-way ?

No, the point is the ISO-file. Imagine if hundreds of simultaneous open pull-requests are there for one singular webserver, which can be surely not that problem. But then imagine the number going in the hundred thousands, the traffic is rising. So to grip and solve this problem before it is created we follow two possible ways.

1. Surely it is possible to download the ISO-files from sources as they are written in the forums here.
2. The preferred way is seeding through torrent via HTTP-download and perhaps people want to offer ISO-mirrors also (always possible).

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: How to find out what version of hyperbola-milky-way ?

I understand you, I think you understand the situation better, but in my opinion, from the point of view of convenience and possibly security for the user, HTTPS is faster and more reliable (my opinion)


Re: How to find out what version of hyperbola-milky-way ?

HTTPS is surely fitting, but only if there are enough possible mirrors for downloading. If it is only hyperbola.info as concrete server, we get another issue for sure: Traffic-costs over time. Therefore it is surely better to host own mirrors over time.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: How to find out what version of hyperbola-milky-way ?

Now I understand what the problem is. Well, I think when you have the opportunity to have your own mirrors, of course you will do it.


Re: How to find out what version of hyperbola-milky-way ?

Okay, I have explained this quite often but repeat also here: I meant "host own mirrors" either with "creating a local own one" or "creating another one for others to use it also". Free, libre software is living from altruism of people sharing software and data to learn, modify and copy under respect for each other. Not for some doing work for "others" and "be at service", especially under the keyword "gratis". But as all is explained here: Thread closed.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!