Topic: Swedish translation


I am a native Swedish speaker and I'm wondering if I could help the Hyperbola project by translating the website, the wiki pages or anything else into Swedish?

Best regards.


Re: Swedish translation


welcome in the forums and thanks for the offering. For the moment the priorities for Hyperbola especially are more to provide a good wiki in regards of the installation. So most the time in English. As we had before multilingual articles in German, Portuguese, Spanish and French for our wiki-pages we had tremendous issues keeping all updated the whole time. In fact we had more problems out of missing people translating the information from the English parts of the wiki.

So adding Swedish sounds nice, but I fear it would be a comparable outcome. May I ask: Do you have for the moment also interest in supporting the wiki first in English? Especially because we want to get away from dokuwiki and prepare a migration to static pages with Pelican (one possible example). Can you imagine to support here?

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: Swedish translation

throgh wrote:


welcome in the forums and thanks for the offering. For the moment the priorities for Hyperbola especially are more to provide a good wiki in regards of the installation. So most the time in English. As we had before multilingual articles in German, Portuguese, Spanish and French for our wiki-pages we had tremendous issues keeping all updated the whole time. In fact we had more problems out of missing people translating the information from the English parts of the wiki.

So adding Swedish sounds nice, but I fear it would be a comparable outcome. May I ask: Do you have for the moment also interest in supporting the wiki first in English? Especially because we want to get away from dokuwiki and prepare a migration to static pages with Pelican (one possible example). Can you imagine to support here?

Hey through,

Thanks for your reply. Regarding your question of supporting the wiki first in English I need to be brutally honest here and say that my English writing capabilites are far too limited to be of good use in that case. I understand written and spoken English quite well but I can't really communicate through it in a fluent manner. That's why I'm more focused on translating. smile


Re: Swedish translation

Okay, no problem. Have you perhaps interest in supporting transferring the existing texts into templates - just as an example: A possible model for the near future is the recreate the wiki most with all parts (in English for the moment) into just static pages being generated throughout a process. Therefore we would need also support transferring the pages from the current state into a Markdown-compatible syntax. As you can imagine this is also much work for us as small team and eats up time. So if you like to have a view into or tryout that?

And there is no problem for being "brutally honest". smile

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: Swedish translation

throgh wrote:

Okay, no problem. Have you perhaps interest in supporting transferring the existing texts into templates - just as an example: A possible model for the near future is the recreate the wiki most with all parts (in English for the moment) into just static pages being generated throughout a process. Therefore we would need also support transferring the pages from the current state into a Markdown-compatible syntax. As you can imagine this is also much work for us as small team and eats up time. So if you like to have a view into or tryout that?

And there is no problem for being "brutally honest". smile

Sure, let me know how to go about it and I can give it a try.