1 (edited by bemc 2024-12-04 18:56:06)

Topic: Support of capable hardware

I have a very capable T400s, with a SP9600 CPU, 8GB mem and SSD drive.  This particular computer have been running Devuan the last few years quiet smoothly. Last week I needed a computer for a professional test of a RPM package, so I flashed a RedHat derivative on a usbDrive. To my surprise, I got a 'CPU deprecated' message. Apparently this will not be easy anymore [https://access.redhat.com/solutions/7066628], my 'quiet capable' CPU is marked deprecated. Now I see other big and small (including Arch-Linux) distributions discussing the switch to x86_64v3.
All free laptops use x86_64v1, so I guess Libre-Distributions will provide support longer, and we will have i686 anyhow. But it kind of a pity see capable hardware loosing support. Anyhow, I am happy to see Hyperbola statements about supporting i686 and x86_64 (v1 I guess).


Re: Support of capable hardware

The price paid for having more "professional" support is that only newer towards newest hardware-abstraction layers are supported. Hyperbola has not this orientation and is not going anywhere else. The so-called "simplification" without support for 16bit and 32bit instructions is also a price that those systems failing that orient only on the newest developments.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: Support of capable hardware

A high end 32 bit computer can still run LibreOffice and tons of software.  On 64 bits, they already began deprecating 32 bit systems, starting with OpenJDK. Blindly, GNU stopped giving support to GCJ with GCC7 and the GNU Classpath. And with JamVM 2.0 and Jikes/GCJ you can cover zillions of internal Java software  made internally for companies, often with no license at all, but now tons of internal propietary enterprise software can only *properly* run, paradoxically, with legacy  OpenJDK releases or JamVM with the GNU Classpath (Java 1.4/1.6).  https://openjdk.org/jeps/501  Also, the scale to bootstrap a proper JDK from sources it's exponential:  https://bootstrappable.org/projects/jvm-languages.html  Now compare it with our bundled Icon language, Unicon, which can do tons of stuff with a base system with very limited resources; the code will run fine on foreign systems too once being recompiled and even a Pentium III might be enough to run it.  Sample function/program list:  https://unicon.sourceforge.io/up/functions.html  When Unicon gets XFT support it might perfectly work for the 90% of the needs of any office environment as it already supports tecnologies like using POSIX, SQLite, plots and it even has 3D figures' support.