Topic: I tell you how be a total keyboard programmer


I was found a way for be a total keyboard programmer, I publish a small colections of dash scripts:


for take the goal, is compatible with Hyperbola and I use every day, I have some improves in my local machine but with that the goal is posible

I hope that could help you


Re: I tell you how be a total keyboard programmer

Nice to see you around again, thanks for replying. Hope you doing well.

HyperbolaBSD: The Future of Secure Libre Lightweight Operating Systems!


Re: I tell you how be a total keyboard programmer

xbindkeys is not yet packaged for hyperbola. Are there technical or legal objections? From looking briefly at the scripts, I see that xbindkeys needs to be compiled with guile support.   

Much of the feature set can be achieved without external tools when using the ratpoison window manager, but there are some additioonal useful features not covered by rp, such as scrollwheel simulation. How well the scripts work with individual window managers must be tested from case to case, I think.

Once more, we see a powerul reason for not using wayland: None of the features of these scripts are available on wayland.


Re: I tell you how be a total keyboard programmer

The package xbindkeys is part of Hyperbola (current testing): https://www.hyperbola.info/packages/?q=xbindkeys

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: I tell you how be a total keyboard programmer

You might like a cwm setup as it has custom keybindings support and you can just use xdotool for the rest. I might publish my setup toon, with xclock, xload, tmux and xbanish. You won´t need to use the mouse at all, and that's great to avoid an RSI.