Topic: Thoughts about Gnome-Desktop: The future of Gnome in the repositories?
Hello together,
I had this in mind long before posting it now, but was unsure about. But after having those discussions to occur again and again with different events: Do we really need the Gnome-desktop within the repositories in the future? What about a complete removal? The major problem is the: The desktop-environment relies on systemd and even integrates proprietary services as default (Link).
Last but not least there is a discussion now about having advertising within the "Software-Center" - for proprietary software: Link
What I mean exactly: Having all those issues back in mind, there will be always more work incoming when integrating another version of the desktop-environment itself. Besides the point of removing proprietary interfaces and solving freedom-issues the risk is higher forgetting some points or even worse: The concurrent version is no longer possible to be modified at all because of essential functions and API-implementations.
So for now I think it would be interesting to think about a complete removal for Gnome from the repositories. Just the desktop-environment of course, meaning also the basic applications within. What do you think about? Perhaps there are other ideas or the problem I'm looking at is not really a big one?
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