Hyperbola is not a clone from Arch GNU/Linux. And for now it is called Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre as it is using the same base but with a different approach regarding:
- init-system
- frameworks in usage
I have explained already and inserted you the link: We are on working for HyperbolaBSD, but that won't happen soon enough so 0.4 and 0.4.x is our base approach first removing all frameworks we have identified as generic problem and in the way for BSD at all. Afterwards we are working now most time on fixing for 0.4.1 next to come. For our plans regarding HyperbolaBSD (again it is not there and in the work) we want a complete own system-base being established.
I can also make a short look onto our previous versions:
0.1 was our initial release but with a base snapshot taken 2017 from Arch GNU/Linux
0.2 was based onto the removal of systemd and using openrc on the snapshot taken
0.3 was the removal of common xorg-server and using xenocara, also removal of nodejs and others identified as problem
0.4 is now the removal of all generic GNU/Linux-only frameworks and the complete rewrite of the system from scratch as we don't use snapshot-packages taken from 2017 and build our own
The rest is in the future to be done for now (point onto roadmap).
I don't know where the impression comes from that Hyperbola is right now HyperbolaBSD, but I can again underline: That is not for now with 0.4. It is the plan to do it. So if you are interested to help or support, feel welcome here. But otherwise it would be nice when you look a bit more deep into what we have done and we are onto instead approaching with the wording "clone" which is in fact far away from the concurrent state. Besides also to note that we are NOT "open-source" and deny vague terms in general. We also have no unfree packages in our repositories or offer some vague parts.
Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!
Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!