Re: How to setup desktop

Here is my output

fc-list | grep -i Awesome

/usr/share/fonts/awesome-terminal-fonts/pomicons-regular.ttf: Pomodoro:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-brands-400.ttf: Font Awesome 6 Brands,Font Awesome 6 Brands Regular:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/awesome-terminal-fonts/fontawesome-regular.ttf: FontAwesome:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-solid-900.ttf: Font Awesome 6 Free,Font Awesome 6 Free Solid:style=Solid
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-v4compatibility.ttf: Font Awesome v4 Compatibility,Font Awesome v4 Compatibility Regular:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-regular-400.ttf: Font Awesome 6 Free,Font Awesome 6 Free Regular:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/awesome-terminal-fonts/devicons-regular.ttf: icomoon:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/awesome-terminal-fonts/octicons-regular.ttf: octicons:style=Medium


Re: How to setup desktop

jimmy wrote:

Here is my output

fc-list | grep -i Awesome

/usr/share/fonts/awesome-terminal-fonts/pomicons-regular.ttf: Pomodoro:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-brands-400.ttf: Font Awesome 6 Brands,Font Awesome 6 Brands Regular:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/awesome-terminal-fonts/fontawesome-regular.ttf: FontAwesome:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-solid-900.ttf: Font Awesome 6 Free,Font Awesome 6 Free Solid:style=Solid
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-v4compatibility.ttf: Font Awesome v4 Compatibility,Font Awesome v4 Compatibility Regular:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/fa-regular-400.ttf: Font Awesome 6 Free,Font Awesome 6 Free Regular:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/awesome-terminal-fonts/devicons-regular.ttf: icomoon:style=Regular
/usr/share/fonts/awesome-terminal-fonts/octicons-regular.ttf: octicons:style=Medium

Edit your i3 config file so the font is named as

Font Awesome 6 Brands

Instead of Font Awesome 5 Brands

Ditto with "Font Awesome 5 Free Solid", set it to Front Awesome 6 Free


Re: How to setup desktop

Thank you very much I'll try it now.
And why do I constantly change the font in the console after a reboot? How can I make sure it doesn't change?


Re: How to setup desktop

Another important point is when I try to copy a symbol and move it to the config file, then the config file does not have it as a symbol.



Re: How to setup desktop

That's because of the font for sure. You can try Unifont from there:


Copy all the TTF files to ~/.fonts and set your terminal font to Unifont 16, 24 or 32 (because
Unifont will look better in these proportions).


Re: How to setup desktop

thank you very much for your help, I'll try it now...

107 (edited by anthk 2023-01-11 23:18:19)

Re: How to setup desktop

jimmy wrote:

Thank you very much I'll try it now.
And why do I constantly change the font in the console after a reboot? How can I make sure it doesn't change?

Maybe you followed my tip on the Terminus font and enabling the consolefont service which runs
something like

setfont term-v22b

at boot.
You can disable the consolefont service this way:

doas rc-update del consolefont boot


Re: How to setup desktop

My steps:

I downloaded all the fonts with the ttf index as you recommended ==> https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/unifont/unifont-15.0.01/, put them in the ~/.fonts folder

Updated the cache:

fc-cache -frv

Additionally changed changed font in i3 config file:

# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
bar {
        status_command i3status
        strip_workspace_numbers yes
        font pango: Unifont

Nothing works ))

It's not clear why I can't put characters in the config file???


Re: How to setup desktop

throgh wrote:

You may inform also here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Linux_console#Fonts

Hello . None of the commands listed on the wiki at your link work in h , I tried:

$ showconsolefont
$ setfont lat2-16 -m 8859-2
setfont -h8 /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/drdos8x8.psfu.gz

I always get the same error:

Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console


Re: How to setup desktop

My desktop only consists of the ratpoison window manager and a terminal emulator (now xterm). I want to avoid anything simulating Windows/MacOS: Icons, panels, systrays, click menus, window decorations, gui configuration, and on and on and on it goes.

111 (edited by anthk 2023-01-12 11:57:15)

Re: How to setup desktop

jimmy wrote:
throgh wrote:

You may inform also here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Linux_console#Fonts

Hello . None of the commands listed on the wiki at your link work in h , I tried:

$ showconsolefont
$ setfont lat2-16 -m 8859-2
setfont -h8 /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/drdos8x8.psfu.gz

I always get the same error:

Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console

setfont must be run as root.

112 (edited by anthk 2023-01-12 12:00:28)

Re: How to setup desktop

schilling.klaus wrote:

My desktop only consists of the ratpoison window manager and a terminal emulator (now xterm). I want to avoid anything simulating Windows/MacOS: Icons, panels, systrays, click menus, window decorations, gui configuration, and on and on and on it goes.

Heh, in my case I use an enhanced mix uf uxterm, tmux, Win95 style with metal theme (icewm Metal2) and Chicago 95 as the icons, as they look really good in low res mode. Rox is good if you have galleries of zillions of photos, even if sxiv does the work right, Rox shows up thumbs for movies too once you add some libraries to ~/lib (and edit the AppRun files replacing Python with Tauthon).

But I can use CWM+UXTerm if I wanted, I used that setup under OpenBSD. I share the same keybindings both in CWM and IceWM, so the usage it's virtually identical.

Also, some sort of non-textual FM it's mandatory, even if it's GNU MC. Why? Sometimes a pipe or redir will crap out from bad input in some software creating trash files with non-ASCII names, making the deletion impossible. Or just movies with Japanese characteres. Yes, there's rm -i, but good luck with that.


Re: How to setup desktop

jimmy: I really don't understand why you think doing that with a symbol-font would be good: It is always kind of a risk for this and only works for that special system being setup. One kind of missing component on another one - yours in that example - and all breaks together. So my recommendation would be to use graphics and icons instead of symbol-fonts. I can say from the perspective of development within the part of "output-management" that this is kind of a big problem. In that example as mentioned: There is only one little part missing or one package not there - please remember that the configuration-files you are oriented on were done on 0.3 as far I can see - and rest is not working as it should.

We have all around here discussing on and off different solutions, is there none being possible just using graphical icons? Just graphic-files being used? If you have questions to the original creator than please contact heckyel himself and write him an email about his configuration-files. But it is kind of a problem here because people within this thread don't use that configuration and also not i3wm in this combination. So this is most time going now for guessing what could help. Personally as said: Using graphical icons when this is possible at that place. So you will have for sure the same experience wherever you place the configuration on another system with the same installed components. You can also be sure that nothing is going wrong when you change the configuration-file for example.

Or you can create the symbols just by yourself: Installing inkscape and select the ones from the font creating a svg or png. Using that afterwards without any further problems. To be clear again: Steady graphic-files are in that composition far better than some symbol-fonts. I can tell you endless stories about conversion-problems with printers and more in that scenarios and better to keep of that with clear files allocated. Thinking around the corners, when something is not working in one scenario create another one with comparable outcome but easier to be managed.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: How to setup desktop

Thorht thank you for your answer . Due to the fact that you talk about different options, I did not understand anything from your answer.

My question is very simple. If I chose i3 as my window manager (desktop customization) it's in the repositories, I would like to customize the symbols instead of the letters E W on the panel etc

What font should I use so that I can copy the character instead of the letters ?

Or is it impossible? Can you give a short answer?

It doesn't matter to me what kind of symbols they will be (your name), I call them icons (marked in the screenshot) I'm interested in how to do this?



Re: How to setup desktop

anthk wrote:
jimmy wrote:
throgh wrote:

You may inform also here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Linux_console#Fonts

Hello . None of the commands listed on the wiki at your link work in h , I tried:

$ showconsolefont
$ setfont lat2-16 -m 8859-2
setfont -h8 /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/drdos8x8.psfu.gz

I always get the same error:

Couldn't get a file descriptor referring to the console

setfont must be run as root.

Thanks , it worked as superuser even though the wiki lists a normal user .

116 (edited by anthk 2023-01-12 14:53:11)

Re: How to setup desktop

jimmy wrote:

Thorht thank you for your answer . Due to the fact that you talk about different options, I did not understand anything from your answer.

My question is very simple. If I chose i3 as my window manager (desktop customization) it's in the repositories, I would like to customize the symbols instead of the letters E W on the panel etc

What font should I use so that I can copy the character instead of the letters ?

Or is it impossible? Can you give a short answer?

It doesn't matter to me what kind of symbols they will be (your name), I call them icons (marked in the screenshot) I'm interested in how to do this?


Can you place actual icons instead of using fonts mmicking icons? Using fonts to display pictures yields a breakage among font name updates as your case.

The Awesome fonts are non-standard. You might find that some of the emojis from noto-emoji are Unicode standards and you could copy these instead of the non-standard ones from Awesome fonts.

This chart should be viewable if your browser uses the Noto fonts. Or Unifont in the terminal.


117 (edited by anthk 2023-01-12 15:11:39)

Re: How to setup desktop

jimmy wrote:

Thorht thank you for your answer . Due to the fact that you talk about different options, I did not understand anything from your answer.

My question is very simple. If I chose i3 as my window manager (desktop customization) it's in the repositories, I would like to customize the symbols instead of the letters E W on the panel etc

What font should I use so that I can copy the character instead of the letters ?

Or is it impossible? Can you give a short answer?

It doesn't matter to me what kind of symbols they will be (your name), I call them icons (marked in the screenshot) I'm interested in how to do this?


Unicode 15 emoji list: http://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/15.0/emoji-test.txt

If you use a text editor with the Unifont font, you could copy the icons easily intto your config file. Install l3afpad with pacman, set the font to Unifont in the settings.

Noto Fonts:




Re: How to setup desktop

My ~/.fonts directory just in case:


~250MB, ~ 540 MB uncompressed. It contains Unifont and all the Noto fonts.


Re: How to setup desktop

jimmy: In short ... as anthk has written: Using fonts can be a bad option and outcome. I want to help and support you for sure, but graphics / icons are in that case quite more reliable than fonts with kind mimic for icons. So I wanted to motivate you as you can create your own icons. But nevertheless it is also possible to support you elsewhere. I can for sure install the fonts and create symbols / icons doing the same.

But for this I need to know if i3status can load graphics and which formats in detail. So you have for sure two options for a solution:

1. Trying more options from anthk with fonts.
2. Trying out graphics / direct icons created.

One way for sure to decide. I will also look out myself now for this - learning is never wrong. smile

EDIT: As far I can see most people deal only with fonts doing kind of a mimic for symbols and graphics. I have no further knowledge into this but I also don't any kind of advantage as this can turn out really bad. Perhaps using another editor would be a point? vim? emacs? There are different options available.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!

120 (edited by anthk 2023-01-12 17:07:59)

Re: How to setup desktop

throgh wrote:

jimmy: In short ... as anthk has written: Using fonts can be a bad option and outcome. I want to help and support you for sure, but graphics / icons are in that case quite more reliable than fonts with kind mimic for icons. So I wanted to motivate you as you can create your own icons. But nevertheless it is also possible to support you elsewhere. I can for sure install the fonts and create symbols / icons doing the same.

But for this I need to know if i3status can load graphics and which formats in detail. So you have for sure two options for a solution:

1. Trying more options from anthk with fonts.
2. Trying out graphics / direct icons created.

One way for sure to decide. I will also look out myself now for this - learning is never wrong. smile

EDIT: As far I can see most people deal only with fonts doing kind of a mimic for symbols and graphics. I have no further knowledge into this but I also don't any kind of advantage as this can turn out really bad. Perhaps using another editor would be a point? vim? emacs? There are different options available.

The 'emoji'  fonts from http://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/15.0/emoji-test.txt are part of the Unicode v15 standard and both Unifont and Noto/Sans-Serif-Mono-Emoji should support all of them. It's safer to choose a Unicode glyph than a subfont from nowhere, such as Awesome.


Re: How to setup desktop

Sure, but so far people with more experiences within i3 should also look over here. I would like to know also the ways, but for the moment I can just state common ways I would tryout. For now I can really say that I have zero experience onto that base with i3wm. wink

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: How to setup desktop

jimmy its already clear in the config files i shared with you
its related to these two files
https://git.sr.ht/~heckyel/i3-config/tr … locks.conf
https://git.sr.ht/~heckyel/i3-config/tr … em/scripts

i3blocks.conf have the icons you are looking for and the scripts file have all scripts that make that command works

you find them both in /home/user/.config/i3

123 (edited by jimmy 2023-01-12 19:19:30)

Re: How to setup desktop

anthk wrote:
jimmy wrote:

Thorht thank you for your answer . Due to the fact that you talk about different options, I did not understand anything from your answer.

My question is very simple. If I chose i3 as my window manager (desktop customization) it's in the repositories, I would like to customize the symbols instead of the letters E W on the panel etc

What font should I use so that I can copy the character instead of the letters ?

Or is it impossible? Can you give a short answer?

It doesn't matter to me what kind of symbols they will be (your name), I call them icons (marked in the screenshot) I'm interested in how to do this?


Unicode 15 emoji list: http://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/15.0/emoji-test.txt

If you use a text editor with the Unifont font, you could copy the icons easily intto your config file. Install l3afpad with pacman, set the font to Unifont in the settings.

Noto Fonts:


Tell me please, how will you edit the i3 configuration file from the superuser with the l3afpad text editor?



Re: How to setup desktop

You use the terminal and go on with su.
Afterwards you can use l3afpad as you wish, please be careful on what you are doing there.

Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!

Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!


Re: How to setup desktop

rachad wrote:

jimmy its already clear in the config files i shared with you
its related to these two files
https://git.sr.ht/~heckyel/i3-config/tr … locks.conf
https://git.sr.ht/~heckyel/i3-config/tr … em/scripts

i3blocks.conf have the icons you are looking for and the scripts file have all scripts that make that command works

you find them both in /home/user/.config/i3

Hello Rachad. Thanks for the help. It was this configuration file that I took as a basis, but the problem is that I did not know that I definitely need to use the symbols from the Heckyel configuration file

Where are these symbols from? What if I need other characters that h doesn't have?
And then just copy and paste someone else's script with someone else's settings, it will not work for me. He has programs that he doesn't currently have.i am not using i3block in this setup

exec --no-startup-id aarchup

# players global horkeys, require D-Bus

assign [class=Iceweasel|Gajim|qTox|Transmission-gtk] $tag2
assign [class=File-roller|Thunar] $tag3

Can you post an example and a screenshot of a working system?