Topic: Any advice on booting the installation ISO from hard disk?
The iso is slightly too large for my USB's storage capacity, and I don't want to buy another USB. There's no cdrom drive.
I've tried this custom grub entry:
menuentry "Hyperbola GNU/Linux" {
insmod ext2
set isofile "/hyperbola-milky-way-v0.4.-dual.iso"
loopback loop (hd0,4)$isofile
linux (loop)/hyperbola/boot/x86_64/vmlinux
initrd (loop)/hyperbola/boot/x86_64/initramfs-hyperiso.img
It boots, but drops to a rootfs session with the error "/dev/disk/by-label device did not show up after 30 seconds." In the folder /dev/disk/by-label is one file: System\x20Reserved.