The idea of the EU itself is a fine one, the problem is: Even the best idea can be drawn in the wrong way and so we see it also with free, libre software failing to address nowadays issues and failing also to address the people or even the other way around as the people are failing also to recognize that they can design their own process. That's the problem with the stories of Orwell or Huxley (Brave New World). They described a generic warning and now we can even multiply them on different ways. Also about what I have written earlier: The problem is not only the current one with how software is built and used, how computers are designed and "owned". The problem is the outcome for the future, where I can now even point on the "Dune"-books from Frank Herbert: Computers are generic banned because over ten thousand years before the events of the first Dune novel, humanity had relinquished its freedom and right to live to "Artificial Intelligence" or "Thinking Machines", as they were called in the saga.
We could do different, we could use good ideas for the better. But the problem is: For the moment we fail and therefore the best we could do is to warn. Perhaps the warnings are heard and some others stop or orient different?
I take this point even further and forward here as this wallpaper was exactly designed with such outcome back in mind: … 8264#p8264
Well, in the end it is not that there were no warnings: They are there on multiple ways even. The problem is to recognize the issue and stopping for a moment, therefore coming to other results being without harm or perhaps lesser harmful. But therefore we would need to remember more individuals that they have a choice, freedom of choice. And Orwell did his own way to question authoritarian ideas within soviet communism, while keeping the generic idea different. But for this we would need a complete different way of ourself as we as human beings do not work the way Marx theoretical described it. The stalinism resulting itself was and is a complete totalitarian ideology. So Orwell himself gave a pattern for all people to question their idea of working with facts and question authority, while Huxley did this on a different level to question "progress" and "progression", "sociel hierarchy" itself. With this lasting I give a recommendation for reading Brave New World towards everyone interested. To note in general that we as a whole, as mankind, are not very good to recognize the outcome of our decisions and ideas, especially not as there were also enough warnings from scientists, political analysts, politicians with a more reasonable orientation, from books, movies, series, artists and so many / much more.
Regarding ideas and missing will to reflect: We have written a long article about the problem here.
Also to add: We were warned about many platforms, even more people decided nevertheless that risks of using those (Facebook, Twitter / X, Instagram etc.) are minor and to be ignored. Copying the failed mechanism of "attention"-debates (nothing else is in fact there to be seen) is same way not helpful: Diaspora, GNU Social, Hubzilla, Mastodon and more. We were not ready, we are not ready and will not be also the same: It is all about "attention", the more extreme, the more exaggerated and hateful, the better for any kind of algorithm to lift forward these postings. This was all said already, all known. And people ignore it nevertheless, thinking they could only hold against this with "good intentions". No, there is nothing to do except pull the trigger and shutdown all of those "Web 2.0"-platforms, including YouTube also. All good and helpful data and information could be saved and transferred into something different, free to be downloaded for everyone. And yes, this is utopian same way, only another warning. With this I close this thread also: We won't find any solution here for a better webbrowser and I can only leave an invitation for all interested readers. If there is some movement to develop something different? Or another good project running on BSD around? Leave a note, especially if you are interested to package and port this. As of now: Everything else is said and if there is interest to create and open another thread, please feel free doing so ... also about how "you" use software like luakit for example when people have interest. There is nothing false to share information and leave it for others to do something and more with it.
Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!
Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!