Topic: New Install Network Connection
Hi All,
Have successfully installed Hyperbola from the ISO image. However, I am unable to reach the Internet.
Observed behavior:
- upon login as root - ping generates error that name resolution is temporarily unavailable
- upon login as user - ping generates error that network is unavailable
Observed odd behavior:
- upon login as root or user - the network interface must be brought up using the iplink command as
- - ip link set eno1 up
- - - comment - have never seen a Linux install that required this action before
Troubleshooting to date:
- have verified the network kernel driver is loaded
- have verified the /etc/hosts - /etc/hostname - /etc/host.conf files are present and appear configured correctly
- have verified that the dhcpcd.conf file is present and appears configured correctly
Troubleshooting references:
- started with the Hyperbola wiki which directed me to the Arch networking wiki
- used the Arch networking wiki to check for network kernel driver and network interface status
Next steps?
- would appreciate any pointers on how to proceed