Depends: Most the time - besides really little packages and libraries - I'll use first the 32bit for the first compilation, afterwards 64bit on X220 for the second and another test with librechroot on 32bit before a commit, therefore VLC is the next to do. Finished right now with both, but waiting for librechroot.
Yes, real hardware most the time, so I can also do a first QA-session (Quality-Assurance). But that is for sure not final. When we are finished with the list, we will proceed therefore also with runit and therefore both 32bit (X60s) and 64bit (X220) will be reinstalled with the INIT-system in conclusion. But that's only my conclusion to do: Any kind of VM is also working. So next also virt-manager or something to compare to manage that.
I was frustrated already with seeing enlightenment being that kind of a problem. But well? Using many Linux-only frameworks right now it would be more or less a coming problem for the future. So the best option is to get that aside as environment! Just to mention: We have nice looking window-managers and Lumina. Most of them can use compositing with xcompmgr or picom. First mentioned is running right now here on the 32bit-environment without having that issues on performance. We have lost nothing from my point of view when enlightenment is not added. Perhaps use e16 with the next install and QA for runit?
I'll focus later onto xfig so most graphic-software is ready for testing and usage. If there are some issues with sndio not solved, please also add them as soon as possible for us to review them - especially with packages - addressed to all reading and testing already. Next on the listing:
vlc (as mentioned already, but waiting for libraries to be added within repositories)
Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!
Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!