You know about the power of words? Words can do much, create peace or the opposite, enrage or being diplomatic. There is so much about "words", about phrases, we need to be in learning for our time being here on earth. About the "power" of words as they can include or exclude, just with one simple sentence. The meaning about that is in absolute and static relation towards the phrase being believable. And it is not simple to do a reflection starting with yourself, it is an on-going process to question yourself and the mechanisms about exclusion of others. This is no one-sided switch turning something ON or OFF to solve a problem. Just a meritocratic process itself is not away where even Debian declares itself on that way using this wording, this phrase here. Quote to follow:
The Debian Project is not controlled by a board of investors, or a board of directors or a benevolent dictator, or a private owner. It is a meritocracy with yearly elected leader, and meritocratic key functional positions.
Just a simple phrase and we've got it again, without further questioning: Do more, get more!
Sounds nice and fair in the first place? I can assure you: No this is not "nice and fair". What about harassment towards others for example, about empower yourself standing above them because you are "in the higher position"? Those mechanics literally fail when the persons behind a role-model and position do literally questionable things, for example about ethics in general and exclude others just for their sexual orientation, their religion, their way to express and write. These are examples, but you see the problem: Being believable is and will stay a long road up ahead, a long walk for us all and everyone on an individual level. It's about so many perspectives, we as global society just have to do it everyday again and again: Starting with self-reflection and going onto criticism. Just because "you" don't see any kind of inequality in general doesn't make this disappearing: It is showing your priveleges as you can be not part of being defined as "not equal". Use this privilege to give others a voice and yes, it maybe harsh when others exclude you because of criticism. But that's just more of the demonstration as "we" humans don't want to hear about our own flaws and failures. Don't be frightened and know this: Solidarity is helping, don't be calm about the problems you see. And getting back to Debian: There are different approaches for the scribbled problem to be solved and I don't mean only one like a "Code of Conduct".
We can change, learn, listen, observe and be different. If we want that, we can be ready for doing that everyday again. Debian maybe doing a solid distribution for now, but that doesn't make everything else untouchable or unquestionable as words define and create part of our reality, our daily common understanding and the relationships between another. Don't let harsh, hateful wordings getting into that or empower yourself using those false mechanisms as they are the first failure of many to follow on that part of the road and I can guarantee: This will be a social and technological dead end to come, for sure. Inclusion for people to protect empathy and democratic understanding, real democratic understanding giving others a voice where yours maybe louder for now and this has to be changed. People, who don't want democratic values and just see themselves, are not part of that. But that's not only up to me, it's up to everyone to protect before hatred comes into our global community. A society with hate cannot last! Perhaps a short question for an entry: Do you believe in simplified pictures of "good and evil", declaring others as "your enemy"? Try to research for that as there is no "evil masterplan" to be found in general. Yes, there is "bad" to be done, but most the time this happens throughout egoism, ignorance and arrogance. You want to get your "evil deeds", search within history, search for the autocrats, the ones believing in "law and order". We can see that again and again, on small daily base, on the wide and global also! Questioning your privileges and before pointing now in my direction as I want to proclaim some propaganda: No that's not true. Of course I follow some ideology as everyone else. But mine is just the utopian imagery of a peaceful planet earth. Yeah, I know this is an utopian view. But dreaming means fighting for me and so I write my words down. Perhaps you read it and begin with questioning, looking behind mechanics of society and try to stand up against that? Yours to decide. And society itself is just neutral, a good value at all as we as humans need company in one form or another. But where is the end of my personal freedom? Do I have the right to insult others, getting against their freedom and even the highest value, their dignity as humans? No, there is the end and narratives doing that as final goal as mechanic, so getting freedom of minorities away, are that problem itself. We cannot tolerate intolerance and hatred. There is no need speaking about "evil companies", because we can just stay away from their services and platforms. Where is the problem building places on our own, with other thoughts in common, meaning making no money out of it and doing that for free knowledge, for a free culture? For being believable! 
Ah and using simplified pictures for criticism is the base root we have to work on. Look at my signature: There is criticism about capitalism in it. But that's just simplified as there no further room. Got it? I am into capitalism as every other being here, so it is up to me being criticized at first place, no so-called "evil company". Yes I can reject using proprietary services based on enough arguments, but same with the wording "surveillance capitalism": Simple word with some dark sides named "structural antisemitism" when used comletely wrong. The reasoning for that? The responsibility is outsourced towards some named or unnamed "evil", some big names in general. We all are part of that "surveillance capitalism" and therefore my decisiions are not better or far more worse than yours. In fact all decisions together can make here the difference, the final definition for the moment and so words can define our reality. Stay sharp in criticism and don't get on sideways!
Human being in favor with clear principles and so also for freedom in soft- and hardware!
Certainly anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices: For a life of every being full with peace and kindness, including diversity and freedom. Capitalism is destroying our minds, the planet itself and the universe in the end!