throgh wrote:There are some discussions around the UXP-applications and so I think for now it should be clear: All UXP-applications stay in the repositories until otherwise said. The reasoning is that icedove-uxp is a fine application for calendar- and mail-management for example. iceweasel-uxp and iceape-uxp are functional so far as browsers. When possible we all can search for possible replacements - and please for now claws-mail is not alone. But please also to remember: Just if something works for me or you, does not mean it works for everyone else. That's the point and most reasoning we wait, especially because 0.4 must be first released in the public.
We have also no time for sure to jump behind every new released application with some promises. Here to remember: If you want something to be pushed forward, you are invited to work also for yourself and share what you have found out for everyone else to test. If we would do so and jump behind everything, we can never release version 0.4.
I think you are missing the point... the uxp applications are no longer being updated...
Thus, it is a huge security issue. I strongly believe, that Emulatorman would disagree if they are no longer being updated.
That being said, if you could convince Luke to work on Hyperbola some more, aka, developing newer versions of UXP, then I have no doubt it would be no problem whatsoever.
Though, I don't know if that is possible, he seems to be losing interest last I checked with him.
My point though, is that wisdom needs to be used regarding the uxp situation.
If you want to save the current packages somewhere until you can convince Luke or someone else to work on it, that's one thing, but its really a very bad idea to keep them in without updating.
I fear you will disagree, but I hope wisdom will prevail in this situation.
Edit: typos
HyperbolaBSD: The Future of Secure Libre Lightweight Operating Systems!